Welcome to ProFathering15™

by National Fatherhood Initiative®!

Father involvement is our passion. A father's presence makes a positive difference in the lives of children, mothers, families, and communities. Children with involved fathers are at lower risk for a host of poor childhood outcomes, including:

  • Neglect and abuse
  • Substance abuse 
  • Teen pregnancy
  • Incarceration as juveniles
  • Suicide

Every family and community benefits from increased father involvement. At National Fatherhood Initiative®, we’re changing lives one organization, one family, and one father at a time. That’s why we created ProFathering15™—to equip all dads and father figures with the knowledge and skills they need to be the best dads they can be.

About National Fatherhood Initiative®

National Fatherhood Initiative® is a 501c3 non-profit organization founded in 1994 to reverse the nation's trend toward father absence.  

Our vision is that all communities and human service organizations are proactively father-inclusive so that every child has an involved, responsible, and committed father in their lives. 

National Fatherhood Initiative®'s online resources and training help fathers improve their fathering and parenting skills, build resilience, and feel more empowered in their unique role as a dad.  

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To learn more about our mission here.

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