ProFathering15™ Overview

For Any Dad — and Organizations Working with Dads!

There's no manual that tells men how to be a good dad.

They may only know how to be a dad based on what they saw (or didn’t see) growing up. Some men may not have had a dad in their lives, or they may have had a dad who was not so great. That can present a huge challenge when knowing how to be a good dad.

On the other hand, some men might have had a great dad and simply want to add to everything he taught them!

The good news is that ProFathering15 is for all dads and father figures, regardless of their circumstances.

This program is for expectant dads, experienced dads, stepfathers, adoptive fathers, or father figures. It helps men be the best dads they can be!

In ProFathering15, dads learn how to be a great dad through 15 important fatherhood topics relevant to any dad. 

  • Each topic can be completed in only 15 minutes. 
  • Each topic combines important information to learn with an inspirational video followed by questions to ask, inspiring dads to be the best dads they can be.
  • Once enrolled, dads have 60 days to complete the program. It can be stopped and started at any time and the progress will be saved!
  • See a list of the program 15 Topics  >
  • See a preview of the program >
  • A pre- and post-survey to measure learning is available in English and Spanish. See the English version here.

How to Purchase

For dads who wish to enroll themselves and organizations who want to enroll individual dads, click here or "Enroll Now" at the top of this site.

For organizations who wish to purchase enrollment credits for multiple dads, click here.

If you are tax-exempt or need to pay by Purchase Order, please contact our Resource Center at 240-912-1263 or email [email protected].